Avviso ai Sottoscrittori di Long Short Strategy Collection

giugno 17 2021


OICVM autorizzato dalla Banca Centrale d’Irlanda ai sensi dei Regolamenti delle Comunità Europee del 2011 e successive modifiche (Organismi di Investimento Collettivo in Valori Mobiliari)


(UCITS authorised by the Central Bank of Ireland pursuant to the European Communities (Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities) Regulations 2011, as amended)



Mediolanum International Funds Limited (the “Manager”), manager of Mediolanum Best Brands (the “Fund”), wishes to notify the Unitholders of Long Short Strategy Collection, a sub-fund of the Fund (the “Merging Sub-Fund”) of the outcome of the adjourned extraordinary general meeting of the Merging Sub-Fund which took place at Fourth Floor, The Exchange, IFSC, Dublin 1, Ireland on 15 June, 2021 (the “Adjourned Meeting”). As notified to you by the Manager by way of publication dated 1 June, 2021, a quorum was not present within half an hour of the time appointed for the extraordinary general meeting held on 28 May, 2021 (the “Original Meeting”) and in accordance with the Circular to Unitholders of the Merging Sub-Fund dated 11 May, 2021, the Original Meeting was adjourned to 15 June, 2021.

Approved Merger

In the course of the Adjourned Meeting, the following resolution was passed for the merger of the Merging Sub-Fund with Premium Coupon Collection, an existing sub-fund of the Fund (the “Receiving Sub-Fund”).

“That the proposal to merge the Merging Sub-Fund with the Receiving Sub-Fund, the details of which are more particularly set out in the Circular to Unitholders of the Merging Sub-Fund dated 11 May, 2021, be and is hereby approved and that the Directors of the Manager be and are hereby authorised to take all necessary steps to implement same.”

The effective date of the merger shall be 23 July, 2021.

Mediolanum International Funds Limited
17 June, 2021