Mediolanum Best Brands is a UCITS V compliant umbrella retail product offering characterised by active management and focused primarily on equity and multi asset class fund of funds but also extending to segregated multi-manager funds in the fixed income space. The essential difference between Best Brands and other competing products on the market is that MIFL does not simply sell other third party funds within a MIFL wrapper but has worked in partnership with external companies to develop and manage a range of bespoke products with a high degree of customisation targeted at specific client needs.
Embedded within the products are services which address the individual requirements of the client. This open architecture approach offers something unique to our clients by providing innovative products with value added through customised services. The embedded diversification, flexibility and customization is only possible by managing our funds using Med³®. This makes Mediolanum Best Brands the complete fund of fund product and has contributed hugely to its tremendous success. Each of the MIFL Best Brands Collection, Selection and Multi-manager sub-funds are multi class products offering clients alternative solutions tailored to their needs e.g. accumulating versus distribution classes
or foreign currency hedged or unhedged classes.